Players of Midian
Midian has approximately 300 registered players at the time of writing.
Heros of Midian:
Aegir | Aloma | Atn | Bob | Caitlin |
Cez | Crimson | Cups | Enigma | Everdark |
Maveric | Noah | Prime | Ranyn | Reflection |
Sime | Smurf | Spanky | Thanos | Tileann |
Tube | Vish | West |
Heroes are those who have excelled in the art of bashing monsters' heads in. They have spent an exceptional amount of time doing just that. Often a hero will also have completed all, or many, of our quests.
Wizards of Midian:
Bob | Boots | Buddy | Cold | Cyor |
Cyric | Dargason | Doc | Erebos | Galah |
Goose | Helena | Hophop | Ivers | Karmayin |
Karmtest | Mehettable | Menolly | Midnight | Moriah |
Pandora | Raekin | Reflection | Rhagast | Spanky |
Wart | Wowolala | Yaliebear |
Wizards are those who have excelled in playing the game, and completed the minimum quest requirement. They now no longer actively participate in the game, but instead focus on expanding and improving it.
Last updated: 2006-06-03 at 20:39, by Cyor.